Strategic Partnerships

A Greater Service for a Kingdom Purpose

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Why partner with us?

Ultimately, we are looking for industry partners who share the same goals as us. As a Stewardship Company, we are driven to help individuals and organizations multiply their kingdom impact by guiding them in their financial stewardship journey. We want to support partners like you and help equip you by expanding your strategic solutions. We believe that together we can achieve a greater service for a kingdom purpose.

We take our work seriously.

We use an efficient onboarding process backed by a strong technology backbone, which can also be directly or indirectly implemented into your practice. Our proven Tactical Trading Strategies have a focus on Biblically Responsible Investing. We are a Stewardship Company with a high level of commitment to BRI Solutions. Our leadership team has more than a combined 100 years of experience. We make this experience available to you–to help guide you, provide advice, and support. Lastly, we have an array of refined Strategic Solutions to help you target new clientele or provide you with back-office support–from Retirement Plans to Private Equity Opportunities.

Our core strategic offerings.

1. Faith-Driven Private Wealth Management

2. Ministry Storehouse Accounts

3. Faith-Driven Retirement Plan Solutions

4. HIS Kingdom Resources Fund


HIS Envoys Group Brands